PigPig Exploitation
An Animal Exploitation Photo Journal and Gallery Presentation from All-Creatures.org

This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about Pigs is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.

Pig Exploitation - Gestation Crates - 06

Pig Exploitation - Gestation Crates - 06
(Pig Exploitation - Gestation Crates - 06) In this factory farming operation, the pregnant pigs are totally enclosed in these extremely cramped crates.  Any human woman who has been pregnant knows how uncomfortable pregnancy can be, and how torturous it would be to be unable to change her position, forced to suffer day in and day out all her life, as these pigs are.  To treat any living being this way is evil.
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Photo from: Animals Voice Online

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