This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about Pigs is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.
(Pig Exploitation - Slaughter - 28) Because of the fear caused by "swine flu"
in the spring of 2009, Egypt became the only country in the world that decided
to slaughter all 300,000 of the pigs, raised in this Muslim country for the
Christian minority. The culling was some of the most brutal treatment of
"farmed" animals we have ever seen. Pigs and piglets were loaded 5 or 10 a time
onto a front loader, that then dumped its cargo into a dump truck with one or
two or four layers of previously dumped animals. Suffocating, broken bones,
abject terror for all of them. Over and over again until the dump truck was
filled to the brim, when the pigs were then transported to mass graves (see
Pig-Slaughter-29). Going vegan is the ONLY way for human beings to end these atrocities.
| Pig Exploitation |
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