
Newsletter - Animal Writes � sm
20 December 2000 Issue

A Holiday Request from Englandgal!

As you know, I am on the advisory board of the Animal Rights Network, Inc. (ARN), which is a wonderful not-for-profit organization devoted to informing and educating people about the way animals are treated. ARN is best known as the publisher of The Animals' Agenda, an animal rights magazine that is not only well-written, accurate, interesting and informative - it strives to maintain high standards of journalistic integrity while doing so.

To show The Animals' Agenda magazine appreciation for its devotion to the animal rights movement and astounding education of animal suffering, I have decided on my own to do a fund raiser for the organization. I am hoping to raise money for ARN through subscriptions (both new and renewals) as well as through the generosity of donations.

If there is only one thing I could ask of you at this time it is to PLEASE be part of this project and assist me in making this a successful fundraiser for The Animals' Agenda.

During the Holiday Season, many animal lovers are looking for a way to express their love of animals in the form of some sort of gift for those around them. Also, friends and family may be searching for "just the right present" for the animal lover on their list. Please take a moment to consider your gift list. Give a subscription to your local library or school - think how many people would be reached there! Or, if you would like to thank the staff at ARO for all their efforts over the years, you can do so by supporting this magazine.

By giving a subscription to The Animals' Agenda to someone you care about, you would be helping animals in a huge way. Every other month, the recipient of your gift would find in their mailbox a magazine packed with informative and thought-provoking articles. The fact is that the biggest way to make a difference in the animal rights movement is through education. Everything else follows that, but if we don't educate we won't continue to move forward. This magazine educates!

The staff at Animal Rights Online is grateful for your care and interest in the well-being of animals everywhere and welcome the opportunity to serve you. On behalf of animals we would like to thank you for all your efforts in making this world a better place for them. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM ALL OF US AT ARO!

Below you will find a subscription form, which you can print out, complete, and send.

Please make checks payable to:
(Sorry, for safety's sake please do NOT send cash; personal checks, money orders, and cashiers checks are fine.)

Animal Rights Online
P O Box 7053
Tampa, Fl 33673-7053

Deadline is December 31, 2000.

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Subscription Form

One Year (6 issues) - $24 Two Years (12 issues) - $42
Canada & Mexico - $30 Canada & Mexico - $54
Other foreign countries - $37 Other foreign countries - $68

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personal checks, money orders, and cashiers checks are fine.)

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After completing this form, please mail by 12/31/00 to:
Animal Rights Online
P O Box 7053
Tampa, Fl 33673-7053

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