* 10 Little Veal Calves by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/6/99 -
* #14: Female Collie Mix by Michelle Salob - 3/21/04
* 168 Days by Patricia Rogers - 4/12/00

* Abou Ben Adhem - revisited by Richard Eikenburg - 4/4/01
* A Cat Treat by [email protected] - 11/3/99
* Accountability by [email protected] - 9/21/03
* Achievements by Filip Moorman - 4/3/05
* A Christmas Story - 12/20/98
* Activist's Pledge by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 4/30/00 -
* A Dog's Plea by Anonymous
* A Dog Sits Waiting by Kathy Flood - 6/17/05 - 9/4/05
* A Dog's Soul by Anonymous - 5/2/04
* Adonimous by Anonymous - 2/13/05
* Adopt Me by [email protected] - 7/9/00
* A Farewell Prayer for Arnold the Tiger by Elise Matthes - 12/5/99
* A Fool and His Bullet by [email protected] - 11/28/99
* Against The Odds by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/1/03
* A Happy Ending by Anonymous - 4/7/99
* A History Lesson by Michelle Rivera - 2/14/01
* A Holiday Prayer by Anon - 12/24/00 - 4/11/01
* Alien by Michelle Rivera - 5/17/00
* A Life Shared: Memories in Black and White by Patricia Rogers - 1/3/01
* All Creatures Great and Small by [email protected] - 11/14/99
* All I Need by Michelle Rivera - 9/15/99
* All Things Bright and Beautiful by Cecil Frances Alexander - 5/3/00
* A Loan From God by Anonymous - 7/3/05
* A Look From The Other Side by Michelle Rivera - 4/7/02
* A Malamute Dog by Pat O'Cotter - 7/26/00
* America the Beautiful? by Donna Anderson - 7/18/01 - 3/3/02
* A Message from "The Bridge" by
* Among The Weeds by Guila Manchester - 10/17/99
* An Abused Puppy's Story by Amanda
Feldman - 1/31/99
* An Eye For An Eye by Peter Byrne - 6/15/03
* A Night In A Cage by Michelle Krapf - 4/18/01
* Animal Compassion & Human Cruelty by [email protected] - 10/26/03
* Animalennium by Maraya - 1/5/03
* Animal Harm by Jess Breen - 7/17/05
* Animals Aren't Human by Susie McMillan - 9/26/01
* An Incredible Pet by ASPCA
* Another by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/6/01
* A Pigeon Shooter's Poem by D.L. Roth - 4/21/99
* A Pig's Silent Plea by Susan S. Barber - 10/13/99
* A Place for the Animals by Ann Ketzlick - 5/16/01
* A Plea To Nature by Marguerite Wegner - 1/6/02 - 2/20/05
* A Poem (An overlooked pain....) by Anon - 7/15/01
* A Poem for the Ark by Deborah M. Jones - 3/4/01
* A Poem in Hope of a Second Chance by Melanie - 4/25/01
* A Poem To My Foster Dog by Diane Morgan - 4/21/02
* A Prayer For All The Street Kitties by S L Smith
* A Prayer For Animals by Janet Riddle
* A Prayer For Little Paws by Anon - 5/4/03
* A Prayer For The Animals by Kristen Sharer
* A Prayer For The Turkeys At Thanksgiving by Anon
* A Puppy by Arlene Millman
* A Puppy's Twelve Days of Christmas by Anon - 12/15/99
* A Rescue Animal's Christmas Poem by Anon - 12/12/99 - 12/19/01
* A Rescuer's Prayer by Jim LWillis - 6/8/03
* Are We Our Own Gods? by Diana Moreton - 3/18/01
* A Sad Little Pet by Jean Collins - 1/23/05
* A Small Moment in Time by Patricia Rogers - 2/13/00 - 9/23/01
* A Song for Regan the Bloody (of Canada) - by [email protected] - 5/5/05
* A Tail Flickers in February by Kimberly DeMatteo - 12/16/01
* At Christmas by Guila Manchester
- 12/23/98 - 12/3/00 - 12/19/04
* A Thanksgiving Prayer by Greg Lawson - 11/15/00 - 11/21/01
* A Thought from [email protected] - 4/18/99
* A Trapper's True Story by James Strecker - 11/21/01
* A Tribute to Andy by Carol Ann J. - 5/20/01
* At This Moment by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 10/3/01
* Autumn's Death by Jim Willis - 7/21/02
* A Vegetarian Thanksgiving Prayer by Greg Lawson - 11/21/99
* A Wish by Barbara Lewis - 10/18/00
* A Wolf's Point of View by Weeping Tree - 9/12/99

* Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland by George Orwell - 12/9/01
* Bedtime Pet Prayer from "Dawn" - [email protected] - 9/14/03 -
* Before I Die by Jim Willis - 7/14/02
* Beggars No More by Stanley McNail - 9/28/03
* Behind That Locked Door by George Harrison - 12/2/01
* Bessy What Happened To You? by [email protected] - 10/20/02 - 8/17/03
* Big Jack by Patricia Rogers - 10/1/00
* Billy (How Didn't They Know?) by Kristen Sharer - 7/8/01 - 3/31/02 -
* Bloodsport by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 5/5/99
* Brandenburg's Wolves by Diana Moreton - 3/22/00
* Break The Chain by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 2/11/01 - 5/12/02
* Brown Eyes by Becky L. Rauvola - 1/9/05
* The Brutal Beast by [email protected]
* But Hey, I'm Just A Dog by Kim Malone - 8/18/99

* Can't Keep by Unknown
* Captivity by J. Box - 4/4/99
* Carnivore or Herbivore by [email protected]
* Cat-Mas by Mark Mason
* Cheap Flesh by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 5/30/04
* Chicken Prayer by David Everett -
* Chiseled Sapien by Diana Moreton - 2/22/04
* Christmas by Guila Manchester -
12/23/98 - 12/8/99 - 12/6/00 - 12/23/01
* Christmas-Cat's Carol by Smiffy/CPL - 12/19/99
* Christmas Returns by Anon - 12/13/00 - 12/8/02
* Circus by Unknown - 3/27/05
* City Zoo by Vivian Yeiser Laramore - 5/26/02 - 7/7/02 - 3/2/03
* Compassion by Donna Anderson - 7/4/01 - 12/12/01 - 3/24/02
* Corey's Saga -
A Trilogy by Robyn L. Stacey - 12/10/00
* Cows With Guns by Anon
* Creatures Of God by Ann Winter - 11/10/02
* Crematorium by [email protected]
* Cruel Hands by [email protected] - 5/26/99
* Cry Of The Wolves by Douglas S. Andersen - 9/19/99

* Dear God by Guila Manchester - 5/7/00
* Derry Down by Diana Moreton - 6/28/00
* Destiny Of My Skin by Alexi Howk - 6/20/04
* Diamond's Dream by Arlene Millman - 9/7/03
* Disassembly Line by Lisa Holt - 1/14/01
* Dog by Dawn Ireland - 8/12/01
* Dog Days by Jim Willis - 9/22/02
* Doggie Christmas Carols by Dogmama and Detroit Download Central -
* Dog Haiku by Anon - 1/28/01
* Dogs For Sale - To a Good Home by Unknow - 7/24/05
* Do I Go Home Today? by Anon - 11/18/01
* Do It Anyway by Mother Teresa - 8/6/00
* Don't by Guila Manchester - 5/10/00
* Do Or Die by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/6/04
* Dr. Doolittle
* Duchess by Jean Foster
* Duck Creek by Feet (Buffalo Nations) - 2/18/01
* Dumb Bird by Anon - 1/19/03
* Dying Art by Zanaida

* Easter Bunny by Mary Brandolino - 3/31/99 - 4/19/00 - 4/15/01
* Eat The Baby by Nicola Thomas - 9/30/01
* Empty Cavities of Delusion - Teesh Rayner - 7/5/00
* Endless Lesson by Donna Anderson - 11/11/01 - 2/10/02
* The Enquiring Child by E.S. Turner
* Epilogue by Patti Rodgers - 10/24/99
* Epitaph To A Dog by Lord Byron - 7/2/00
* Eulogy to the Dog by Senator Vest - 8/30/00
* Excuses by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/2/99
* Executioner of Olde by Diana Moreton - 5/14/00 - 2/25/01

* Family Dog by Susan Minot
* Feathered Angels by Ann Winter - 5/23/04
* Feedlots and Factory Farms by Jennifer Geneseo - 5/9/99
* Fight We Shall by Mohan Embar
* First They Came by Anon (really by Greg Lawson) - 5/29/05
* Flesh and Blood by Citizen Fish - 3/14/04
* Flippant by [email protected] - 7/25/99
* Fly by Jean-Jaques Goldman & Phil
Gladston - 1/6/99
* Fly! By Jim Willis - 11/30/03
* For A Little Boy Who Cried Over A Bird by Guila Manchester - 6/25/00
* For Big Spook by Guila Manchester - 5/24/00
* For Cleo by Richard Eikenburg - 6/4/00
* For Flippytail by Guila Manchester - 10/20/99
* For Little Red by Guila Manchester - 6/7/00
* For Mikey: Who Never Does Anything Bad by Michelle Rivera
* For Pretty Boy by Guila Manchester
* For Prince by Guila Manchester
* For Sale - To A Good Home by Unknown - 5/8/05
* For The Animals by Kimberly McCandless - 5/6/01
* For Wreathe by Christopher Morley - 6/10/01
* Four Feet In Heaven by Alice E. Chase - 7/4/04
* Friendly Encounters by Ann Winter
* From Friend to Friend by Karen Clouston - 8/28/05
* Fur Coats and Fur by Guila Manchester - 10/6/99 - 11/22/00
* Fur Is Fur by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 8/31/03

* Give Thanks: A Native American Thanksgiving by [email protected] -
* God, Are You Real? by Anon - 2/4/01
* God's Will by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 4/14/02
* Gold Fish at a Frat Party by Malini Patel - 5/9/01
* Gone, But Not Forgotten by Michael Joseph
* Good Sadness by Maria Tarquinio - 2/15/04
* Grandma, Dear Gran'ma by Maria Tarquinio - 2/29/04
* Grieve Not by Isla Paschal Richardson

* Happily Blind by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 5/18/03
* Have You A Dog In Heaven? by Anon - 5/22/05
* Heaven's Doggy-Door by Jan Cooper - 6/27/99
* Hell To Pay by Christine D - 7/19/00
* He Loved Her More by Linda Beane
* Help Us Find Him by Guila Manchester - 10/10/99
* He's Just My Dog by Gene Hill - 8/25/99 - 9/8/99
* Holocaust by Anon - 3/30/03
* Human Insanity by M. Butterflies Katz - [email protected] - 11/2/03
* Humans by Donna Anderson - 7/22/01 - 3/10/02
* Hunting With The Written Permission of God by
[email protected]

* I Am An Animal Rescuer by Annette King-Tucker - 8/21/05
* I Am So Scared!! by [email protected]
* I Am The Cat by [email protected] - 8/26/01
* I Died by [email protected] - 10/27/99
* If I Could Talk To The Animals by Steve Best - 12/1/99 - 10/22/00
* If It Should Be by Joan Jenrich - 7/23/00
* If It Should Be Me by [email protected] - 8/29/99
* If I Should Grow Frail by Unknown - 1/16/05
* If I Were a Terrorist by Robert Cohen - 5/23/01
* If Only They Knew? by Colleen Ferro - 8/20/00 - 10/4/00
* If You Can.... by ACTS International - 5/27/01
* If You Love Animals Why Some Pets Others Dinner? by [email protected]
* I Hear Their Voices Crying by Anonymous - 4/11/04
* I Know Why by Diana Morton - 11/9/03 - 1/11/04
* Illogical From her Poems of Pleasure (1888) - 2/6/00
* I Love Cats by Genie Graveline - 7/28/99
* I Loved You Best by Jim Willis - 12/1/02
* I Love You Zoe by Guila Manchester - 11/4/01
* In A Selfish World by Robyn L. Stacey - 9/2/01
* In Life I'll Stay by Mark A. Dye - 3/3/99
* In Loving Memory of Helen by Laura Barlow - 3/13/05
* Innocent Inmates by Ann Cottrell Free - 8/5/01
* In The Name of Food by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 8/1/99 -
8/22/99 - 10/6/02 - 2/16/03
* I Think I Know No Finer Things Than Dogs by Hally Carrington Brent -
* It's Natural by Christine Beard -
12/20/98 - 7/12/00
* It's What's For Dinner by Michelle Krapf - 4/29/01
* I Walked In The Tracks Of A Cow by Anon
* I Wish... by Guila Manchester - 10/31/01
* I Work At The Pound by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood
* I Worship At The Altar Of Dog by Jennifer Gale - 10/13/02
* I Would Have Died That Day If Not For You by Anonymous - 10/10/04 -

* Jamaican Cows by Malini Patel - 5/13/01
* Jaws by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 9/10/00
* JG by C. Sparkie - 4/16/00
* Just A Pig by Linda Peacock - 11/5/00
* Just One Voice by Cyndi Ward - 3/9/03
* Just Yesterday by Anita Martin - 8/11/02

* Kinship by Ella Wheeler Wilcox - 1/17/99 - 7/14/99 - 7/13/03
* Korean Death Row by C. Sparkie - 2/17/02

* Lab Of Lies by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 8/8/99 - 4/24/05
* Lament For A Lion by Kathleen Allen - 3/7/04
* Lend Me A Pup by Anon - 1/19/00
* Lesson From A Lost Love by Greg Lawson - 8/4/99
* Let's Not Forget by Filip Moerman - 8/7/05
* Lifelong Quest by [email protected]
- 1/24/99
* Life vs. Death by [email protected] - 4/1/01
* Linda's Seed by C. Sparkie -
* Listen Child by Jim Willis - 10/14/01
* Listen With Your Third Ear by Ann Cottrell Free - 11/7/99
* Little Cat (To Marmie) by MJ Falango - 10/28/01
* Little Creature by Guila Manchester - 11/17/99
* Little Puppy by Anon - 7/21/99
* Little Red Riding Hood by Mohan Embar
* Living Graves by George Bernard Shaw - 10/24/01 - 8/4/02 - 3/23/03
* Look How Able Cain Was by Diana Moreton - 3/1/00
* Look Into My Eyes by Scott Robinson M. D. - 9/26/04
* Lost and Found by Justin Hayward - 4/25/99
* Love Song by Patricia Rogers - 10/25/00
* Lowly Ass by C. Sparkie - 7/4/99

* Mad Human Disease by Natasha Canali Wood - 6/24/01
* Magnificent Obsession by Diana Moreton - 6/18/00
* Meantime by Paulette Callen - 12/29/02
* Member of the Family by [email protected] - 1/26/00
* Me Means Alone by Linda Beane - 3/26/00
* Merry Christmas From Ye Olde Puppy Shoppe!!! by Anon - 12/19/99
* Misery For Dinner by Anon - 6/16/99
* Misty by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood - 6/17/01
* Mohawk's Story by C. Bryant - 1/26/03
* Molly-Rat by [email protected] - 10/29/00
* More Than An Angel - by Anon - 9/24/00
* Mourn Not by Arthur Stringer - 10/21/01
* My Gift To Jesus by Jane L. Sears
* My Little Shadow by Jayme - 5/16/99

* Nature's Cry by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 3/15/00
* New Thanksgiving Day by Arlene Millman
* No Remorse by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/9/99

* Obligation by Edgar A. Guest -
* Oceanic Night Before Christmas by Dan Spomer - 12/31/00
* Old Dog In A Locket by Heidi Stamm - 5/11/03
* Old Dogs Do Not Die by Anonymous - 3/24/99
* On Angels Wings by [email protected] - 2/24/99
* On Behalf of Chickens Everywhere by Guila Manchester - 8/29/01
* Once I Was A Lonely Dog by David Klein - 8/16/00
* On Deaf Ears by Elisa Murphy - 9/12/04
* One By Name by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 3/28/01 - 11/17/02
* One By One by Unknown - 2/27/05
* One Dalmatian by Anon
* One Dog's Life by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 5/23/99 - 1/18/04
* One Small Miracle by Guila Manchester - 8/22/01
* On The Fur Farm by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood - 6/13/01
* Osama Bin Laden by Gael Murphy - 10/10/01
* Our Little Furry Friends by Dalene TenEyck - 6/29/03
* Our's Is A Selfless Plan by Diana Moreton - 6/21/01

* Pantheism by Eva Martin - 9/29/99
* Part Of Yesterday by Guila Manchester
* Pass Them All By by Shell - 6/2/02
* Peace Now by Billy Ray Boyd -
* Perspective by [email protected]
* Pets by Kevin Denelsbeck
* Pig Sty by Diana Moreton - 9/3/00
* Please by Anon - 2/2/03
* Please Don't Buy While Millions Die by IDA - 1/17/01 - 1/27/02
* Poem by Christina Rossetti
* Poem by Emily Dickinson - 5/31/00
* Poem For Baby Seals - by Lindy Greene - 4/17/05
* Poem For Cats by Anon - 3/28/04
* Point Of View by Shel Silverstein
* Poor Souls by Lindsey - [email protected] - 10/3/99
* Poppins by Diana Moreton - 5/28/00
* Portrait of the Woman Who Loved Pigeons by Patricia Rogers - 1/12/00
* Prairie Dog and Buffalo by Diana Moreton - 1/30/00 - 4/2/00
* Prayer For A New Age by Jim Willis
* Prayer For My Pet by Robyn L. Stacey - 7/29/01
* Prayer of a Stray by John Quealy - 6/13/99 - 4/28/02
* Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi -
* Prayers of Compassion by
* Prelude to a kiss� of Death (or) They Die Bit by Bit by [email protected]
* Puppy Mill Prayer from [email protected] - 7/11/04
* Puppy's 12 Days of Christmas by Anon - 12/17/00

* Q-Tip Left Today by Guila Manchester - 8/15/01
* Questions From A Caring and Compassionate Heart and Soul by Ashlie Wyman
- 3/17/02

* Rain by Ann Winter
* Reachable Star by Anon - 8/14/05
* Religion? by Patricia Rogers - 3/19/00
* Remembering by Guila Manchester - 8/8/01
* Remembering Phoenix by Linda Beane - 3/12/00
* Remorse by Truman P. Reitmeyer
* Requiem For A Victim of Vivisection in Oregon by Fitz-Randolph Moore -
* Rescue Angels by Julie W. Smith - 8/2/00 - 9/20/00
* Rescued Cat by Arlene Pace - 4/18/04
* Rescued Dog by Arlene Pace 1/2/05
* Rescue Me by Terri Onorato - 3/7/01
* Rescue Pet's Christmas Poem by Anon
* Responsibly Numb by Diana Moreton - 6/21/00
* Rest In Peace by Anonymous
* Return From the Land of Denial by Kerry Phillips - 2/3/02
* Room For One More Dog by Unknown
* Room In Your Heart by Caro Schubert-James - 11/1/00 - 1/21/01
* Rusty Little Handsaw by Melanie - 5/2/01

* Sentence by Anonymous - 4/14/99
* Shared Thoughts With A Friend by Guila Manchester - 8/1/01
* Sheepskin, Pigskin, Deerskin by [email protected] - 11/28/01
* Sibelius by Diana Moreton - 11/14/01
* Silent Screams by [email protected] -
* Sniper by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 5/25/03
* Snowball the Prozac Bear (Snowball's Chance) by Bill Hudgins -12/26/04
* Snow Geese - [email protected] - 7/18/04
* Solar Flavors by C. Mario A. Pita - 12/5/01
* Someone Else by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 1/10/01
* Someone Loves Me by Richard
Corsano - 8/23/00
* Song For Baby Ruth by Patricia Rogers - 2/16/00
* Song Of Orca by Jim Willis - 9/9/01
* Sounds of a Battery Hen by Karen Davis - 11/10/99
* Special Place by Anon - 1/12/03
* Still Here by Anon - 8/15/99
* Stolen Beauty by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/20/99
* Stray Cat by Francis Witham - 8/11/99 - 6/9/02
* Strays In The Garden by Clay Harrison
* Such A Difference by Diana Moreton - 1/5/00
* Surrendered Eyes by Jerry Elmore Layne - 2/9/03
* Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar -

* Takers Or Leavers by [email protected]
* Tale Of A Life by Christian Maire
* Tarragona, Spain by Anthony Walker - 5/19/02
* Thanksgiving by Katherine Ellsworth-Krebs
* Thanksgiving Prayer by Greg Lawson - 11/24/02
* The Animals by Edwin Muir - 4/25/04
* The Animals' Savior
by Jim Willis - 2/8/04 - 6/26/05
* The Animal's Voice by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 2/28/01
* The Bargain by Jim Willis - 11/3/02
* The Big-Headed Cat by [email protected] - 4/8/01
* The Big Tent by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 7/11/99
* The Brutal Beast by [email protected] - 8/29/04
* The Call by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 1/25/04
* The Chained Dogs Plea! by Unknown
* The Children of Pan by Jim Willis - 6/23/02
* The Circus Animal by Christina Sharik - 12/30/01 - 2/24/02
* The Circus Slave by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 12/27/00
* The Coat by Kristen Sharer - 6/30/99
* The Day Before Christmas by Anon - 12/20/00
* The Dedication by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 1/24/01
* The Discarded by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/3/01
* The Dominion of Man by Glynda L.
Marcus - 2/21/99 - 1/16/00
* The Dream Of Icarus by Jim Willis - 8/18/02
* The Earth's Custodians by Robyn L. Stacey - 4/23/00
* The Egg Machine by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 5/30/01
* The Emerald Green Bird by Patricia Rogers - 2/20/00
* The Empty Space by Greg Lawson - 8/9/00
* The Enquiring Child by Loren Hull - 3/10/99
* The Everlasting Light by Anon
* The Family Dog by Unknown - 4/4/04
* The Forest by Michelle Pontiff - 3/16/03
* The Fur Coat by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 10/11/00
* The Furst Time by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 1/17/01
* The Glass Wall by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 3/29/00 - 9/17/00
* The Greatest Gift by Guila Manchester - 7/25/01
* The House Dog's Grave by Robinson Jeffers
* The Humane Mother Goose - 2/3/99
* The Hunted by Lavanya Ramanujam - 3/14/01
* The Hunter's Weiner Bawl by Linda Beane - 5/21/00
* The Incredible Edible Egg by [email protected] - 3/6/05
* The Innocent by Marisa Herrera - 9/15/02
* The Key To Paradise by Donna Anderson - 7/1/01 - 1/13/02 - 1/13/02
* The Last Gray by Gypsy Lewis - 9/26/99
* The Last Leviathan by Rory Block -
12/30/98 - 8/19/01
* The Legacy by Kristen Sharer - 3/21/01
* The Lesson by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 9/27/00
* The Life I Had by Becky Davis
* The Life Of A Puppy by Anon - 7/30/00
* The Little White Cat by Carla
Pickering - 1/13/99
* The Lonely Dog by Margaret E. Bruner - 2/28/99
* The Loss Of My Dear Friend by Anon
* The Millionth Execution by C. Sparkie (Diana Moreton) - 9/29/99 -
* The Miracle of Life by Barry
Taylor - 2/7/99 - 6/21/00
* The Neglected Victims by Melissa Tkachyk - 3/28/99
* The Night Before Dog-mas - Claudine Gandolti - 12/5/04
* The Pain Will Pass by William E. Miller - 2/9/00
* The Peaceful End by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 7/18/99
* The Peace Prayer by Satish Kumar - 9/11/01
* The Pieces of My Heart by Jim Willis - 10/27/02
* The Power of the Dog by Rudyard Kipling - 3/8/00
* The Real McCoy by Diana Moreton - 11/26/00
* There's Always Room For One More by Anonymous - 6/5/05
* The Rescuer's Epitaph by Jim Willis
* There's No Excuse by Anon - 6/23/99
* The Rodeo Show by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 9/1/99
* The Seaside Silence by Robert Nichols - 4/27/03
* The Sending of the Animals by Henry S. Salt - 2/10/02 - 3/31/02
* The Shadow by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 1/2/00
* The Silhouette by Terri Onorato
* The Story Of Ol' Baby Bumpy by Alexis Ciccone - [email protected]
* The Stray Rogue by Diana Moreton - 1/7/01
* The Strays by Guila Manchester - 2/27/00
* The Super Race by [email protected]
* The Symbol by Guila Manchester - 5/12/99
* The Trapper by Mary Coles Carrington - 6/21/03
* The Unexamined Life by Judith V. Waters - 8/1/04
* The Unpaid Circus Worker by June Bird - 7/28/02
* The Voiceless by Molly Biehl - 7/25/04
* The Vow by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 10/18/00
* The Way He Stood by Diana Moreton - 4/9/00
* They Called Him Rags by Edmund Vance Cooke
* They Will Not Go Quietly by Linda Barnes
* They Wonder by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 2/1/04
* Think Of Me by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 9/5/01
* This Old Cat by Anon - 4/22/01
* This Time..... by Michelle Rivera - 4/5/00
* Threatened by Mick Longley - 3/14/99
* Three Little Pigs by Michael Pearce
* Through Opened Eyes (The Activist) by Janet Riddle - [email protected]
- 6/16/02 - 2/23/03
* Thru The Eyes of a Cat by Robyn L. Stacey - 3/5/00
* Tics On My Conscience by Maria Tarquinio
* Time To Say Goodbye by Michael Tate - 5/2/99
* To A Baby Seal by Marie Van Katwyk - 3/11/01
* Today by Kimberly Marie - [email protected] - 12/26/99
* To My Beloved Tundra by [email protected] - 10/31/99
* Too Great The Price by Guila Lanchester - 3/17/99 - 6/14/00
* Too Long by Kristen Sharer
* To Those Who I Love & Those Who Love Me - Anonymous - 4/28/99
* True Peace On Earth by [email protected] - 12/22/99 - 2/24/00
* 'Twas Not Courage by Diana Moreton - 1/4/04
* 'Twas The Day Before Thanksgiving by Anon - 11/21/99
* 'Twas The Night Before Christmas by Anon
* 'Twas the Night Before Christmas in the Mills of Missouri by Robin Pressnall - 12/22/02 - 12/07/03
* Two Poems: Dog Tails by Jill
Gillono - 2/14/99

* Understood By Everyone's Gods by Diana Moreton - 2/2/00
* Untitled Poems by June -
[email protected]

* Vegan Machine by Diana Moreton - 6/13/04
* Vegetarianism by [email protected] (KSPADM - Sumathi) - 1/16/00
* Voice of the Voiceless by Ella Wheeler Wilcox - 1/17/99 * 7/14/99

* Walkin' In A Doggie Wonderland by Anon
* WE by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 8/24/03
* Weak One's Woes by Diana Moreton - 4/26/00
* We Are Their Heroes by Jim Willis - 5/5/02
* We Are The Living Graves of Murdered Beasts by George Bernard Shaw -
* Welcome To Our World by Fran Hutcherson - 1/30/05
* Well Puppies by Lynne Fridley - 4/11/99
* We Were Here by [email protected] - 9/22/99
* What Americans Eat by Colleen Ferro - [email protected] - 2/7/01
* What Happened To Arnold? by Elise Matthes
* What Sayeth The Wise Hunter To The Young Boy? by Gary Yourofsky -
* When I Am Gone by Anonymous - 6/27/04
* What's In A Name? by Peter D. Wilson - 3/7/99
* When I Was A Young Turkey by Anon - 11/25/01
* Where Can We Turn by Marisa Herrera - 4/20/03
* Where Have They Gone? by Zeba Uddin - 6/27/01 - 10/7/01
* Where's Her Baby by Linda Beane - 10/3/04
* Who's Gonna Kill Your Wild Horses? By Dobbin, July 1996 - 2/6/05
* Who's On Your Plate? By Janet Riddle - [email protected]
* Why By Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 6/10/05
* Within The Heart by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 8/27/00
* Within Time by Diana Moreton
* Wolf by [email protected] - 2/10/99
* Wolf Dreams by Marie Van Katwyk - 2/21/01
* Wolves by Anon - 9/13/00
* Womb by Diana Moreton - 11/29/00
* World Order by J. Alexander Kerns - 8/13/00
* Would God by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 7/7/99
* Would I A Voice by Carla Pickering -

* You Are The Answer by Barbara Smith - 7/16/00
* Your Essence by Mark A. Dye - 7/11/01
* Your Petstore Pup by Shannon McClure - 1/31/01 - 12/12/04
* You Say by Dave Johnson - 8/22/04

* Zoochosis by Janet Riddle - [email protected] - 1/23/00
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