

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

 Vallabha Acharya
Douglas Adams
Samuel Adams
Scott Adams
Joseph Addison
Homero Aridjis
Rukmini Devi Arundale
Sri Aurobindo
Lew Ayres

 Christina Baldwin
Matt Ball
Bob Barker
Christian Barnard
Dr. Neal Barnard
Dave Barry
Marc Bekoff
Dr. Walden Bello
Robert Benchley
William Bennett
Jeremy Bentham
Ellen Perry Berkeley
Rynn Berry
Dr. Annie Besant
Henry Beston
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
The Bible
Henry J. Bigelow
Lloyd Biggle, Jr
Josh Billings
Mary Bly
Napoleon Bonaparte
Billy Ray Boyd
Berke Breathed
David Brenner
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Syndee Brinkman
Brigid Brophy
Holly Brough
Jeffrey Brown
Dereke Bruce
John Bryant
Edmund Burke
Kate Bush
Samuel Butler
Hope Sawyer Buyukmihci
Lord Byron

 John Cage
Michael Caine
Dr. Louis J. Camuti
Roger Caras
Rachel Carson
George Washington Carver
Pablo Casals
Peter Cheeke
Anton Chekhov
Chief Seattle
Sir Winston Churchill
Margi Clark
Stephen Clark
Santa Claus
Jean Cocteau
Robert Cohen
Colonial American Proverb
John Connally
Mason Cooley
Jacques Cousteau
Dr. Frank Crane

Cree Indian Prophecy
James Cromwell

 Dalai Lama
Baron Dalberg
Charles Darwin
Leonardo da Vinci
Karen Davis
Doris Day
The Dean of York
"Dear Abby"
Ellen Degeneres
Erienne de Grellet
Michel de Montaigne
John Denver
Denis de Roughement
Pat Derby
Jenny de Vries
Dharma Shastras
Barbara L. Diamond
Harvey Diamond
Charles Dickens
Emily Dickenson
Blaga Dimitrova
Benjamin Disraeli
R.M. Dolgin
Frederick Douglass
John Downer
Ann Druyan
Alan B. Durning
Leo Dworken

 Sylvia Earle
Susan Easterly
Thomas A. Edison
Paul Ehrlich
Albert Einstein
Loren Eiseley
Ralph Waldo Emerson
English proverb
M.E. Ensminger
May Eustace
Jon Evans
Leigh Everett
Bernard Evslin

 W.C. Fields
J. Todd Ferrier
Malcolm Forbes
Philip Fradkin
Anatole France
Professor Gary Francione
Saint Francis of Assisi
Anne Frank
Benjamin Franklin
George Freedley
Edward Freeman
Sigmund Freud
James Anthony Froude

 Mahatma Gandhi
Chief Dan George
Richard Gere
Kahlil Gibran
Jane Goodall
Elizabeth Goudge
R. Greek
Dr. Michael Greger
Dick Gregory
Sir Wilfred Grenfell
Geoffrey Guiliano
Herbert Gundersheimer
Tenzin Gyatso

 Jack Handey
Jean Hankin
Thomas Hardy
Woody Harrelson
John Harris
Ruth Harrison
Daniel Hart
Paul Harvey
Henry J. Heimlich
Marilu Henner
James Herriot
Gene Hill
Hindu Proverb
Hog Farm Management
Tay Hohoff
John Hoyt
Victor Hugo
C.W. Hume
Paul Hunter

 Leslie Iffy
William Ralph Inge
Italian Superstition

 Jerome K. Jerome
Sonia Johnson
Franklin P. Jones

 Franz Kafka
Immanuel Kant
Casey Kasem
Helen Keller
Will Kellogg
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Dexter Scott King
Martin Luther King Jr.
Saul Kitchener
Michael Klaper
Colleen Klaum
Jethro Kloss
Dr. Hugo Knecht
Gary Kowalski
Jonathan Kozal
Joseph Wood Krutch
Milan Kundera

 Doug Larsen
Greg Lawson
Cloris Leachman
W.E.H. Lecky
Joshua Lederberg
Blanche Leonardo
Aldo Leopold
Marv Levy
C.S. Lewis
Abraham Lincoln
Rev. Andrew Linzey
John Locke
Robert R. Logan
Henry W. Longfellow
Konrad Lorenz
Clare Booth Luce

Professor Charles R. Magel
Ramana Maharishi
Bill Maher
Malcolm X
Groucho Marx
James Mason
Peter Max
Charles Mayo
Paul McCartney
Rue McClanahan
Susan Chernak McElroy
Fred A. McGrand
Ali McGraw
Virginia McKenna
Stuart McMillan
Margaret Mead
Jayne Meadows
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn
Natalie Merchant
Fernand Mery
James Michener
CloudDancer Mogle
Ashley Montagu
Alfred A. Montapert
Professor J. Howard Moore
Mary Tyler Moore
Sir Thomas More
John Morley
Mother Teresa
Iris Murdoch
B.R. Myers

 Joe Namath
National Society of Medical Research
Jawaharlal Nehru
Marion Nestle
Ingrid E. Newkirk
Cardinal Newman
Friedrich Nietzsche
Vaslav Nijinsky
Richard Nixon
Christiane Northrup

 Omaha American Indian
George Orwell

 Thomas Paine
Jane Pauley
Linus Pauling
Dr Madeleine Petrovic
Carl V. Phillips
Kevin Pickard
Alexander Pope
Prince Philip
Richard Pryor
Linn Pulis

 Cyndi Reeser
Dr. Tom Regan
Lewis G. Regenstein
Agnes Repplier
Jean Paul Richter
Jeremy Rifkin
John Robbins
Marianne Robers
Paul Rodriguez
P.S. Rogers
Will Rogers
Susan Roghair
Romain Rolland
Eleanor Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Leo C. Rosten
Hans Ruesch
Bertrand Russell
Richard Ryder

 Carl Sagan
Stanley Sapon
Allen Schoen
Arnold Schwarzeneggar
Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Dr. Seuss
Anna Sewell
George Bernard Shaw
Ally Sheedy
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Mordecai Siegal
Alicia Silverstone
Melissa Silvestre
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Pete Singer
Peter Singer
Robert Southey
Henry Spira
Benjamin Spock
John Steinbeck
Michael Stepaniak
Howard Stern
Christine Stevens
Adlai Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jimmy Stewart
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Swami Sahajanand

 Rabindranath Tagore
Hope Tarr
Henry David Thoreau
James Thurber
The Tirukural
Wayne K. Tolson
Leo Tolstoy
Irving Townsend
Mark Twain

 Unknown Authors
Sandilya Upanishad

 Daniel Van Arsdale
Abigail "Dear Abby" Van Buren
Vincent van Gogh
T.L. Vaswani
Yajur Veda
George Graham Vest
Alexander Von Humboldt
Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

 Alice Walker
Dr. N.W. Walker
Alan Watts
Elinor White
Susan White
Alfred North Whitehead
Elie Wiesel
Phyllis Wright
Gretchen Wyler


 Avodah Zarah
Emile Zola

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