An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses
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An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 20 Jun 2007
This Discussion Section Concerns the Article
An Inside
Look at Slaughter Houses
Dear Jenny:
From our investigations, these larger facilities rarely get shut down and very few of their violations are ever written up. The emphasis seems to be much more focused upon prevention of disease and contamination than on humane treatment of the animals.
As to your request for support of small slaughter operations like yours, we cannot give it, because the animals are still deprived of their created ways of life, and they still suffer fear, pain, and death, which is all part of the animal exploitation we are against. However, having said this, if someone is going to buy meat anyway, then we much rather that they buy from an operation such as yours, than from the horrendous major slaughterhouses.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
Go on to: Comments by Rebecca Chatterton - 21 Aug 2007
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