An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses

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An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses
Comments by Jenny Thompson - 20 Jun 2007
This Discussion Section Concerns the Article An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses

Like I said our plant is small, we kill one animal at a time. Our assembly line is smaller in that one person does more. I would like to add, our USDA inspectors started at the larger plants and the large plant have the same human handling guidelines that we do. When a plant gets wrote up for too many human handling violation they are shut down more quickly than being wrote up for sanitary violations. Please support the small plants some how. What we offer is a way for producers to market their products. When ranchers and farmers can make a living they don't have to subdivide leaving the area with more open space and less houses. I don't know where you are but I think a visit to our plant would be very educational in a positive way.

Thank you again

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