An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses


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An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 27 Apr 2009

This Discussion Section Concerns the Article An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses

Dear Cathy:

Thank you very much for your comments, and for changing to a compassionate plant based diet.

We have been vegan for over 22 years, and we believe it's the best way to set an example for compassionate living, and it comes with the benefits of having better health, and knowing that no animal had to suffer or die for us to live and enjoy ourselves.

However, please don't blame God for the sins and hardness of heart of most people who distort the truth for their own greed and lust. We believe God weeps over what is happening to His beautiful creation, and how His Word has been distorted.

We look forward to hearing from you again.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to: Comments by Cindy - 20 May 2009

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