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This Discussion Section Concerns the Article An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses
Dear Sir,
I am extremely shocked and disappointed about the animals and how they are suffering at slaughter houses when they are sacrificing their lives to satisfy humans.
I browsed many sites and feel very uncomfortable when the pictures of the above mentioned things are coming to my mind and I got strong idea to help / organize to protect and launch anti campaign to cut down animal slaughtering as far as we could do.
In Sri Lanka, the killing of cows have gone down to certain extend, but the chicken and pig killing rate is certainly in high position.
Moreover , the Buddhist program telecast in the electronic media with relevant video clips and this method is very effective according to a reliable resources.
Finally, I am sending this brief of my views to inform you, that how can I/We could help to protect these innocent animals in the world and start a campaign from Sri Lanka.
I trust that the above meets with your approval and if you need any further clarification , please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Saliya Premaratne
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