God Does Not Eat Meat
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God Does Not Eat Meat
Comments on the book:
God Does Not Eat Meat By Arthur Poletti
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 27 May 2007
Dear Daniel:
Thank you for writing back.
One of the interesting thing about our society is that 90% of the people claim to be religious and believe in God, with 85% of the population claiming to be Christian. Unless these religious organizations begin to speak out against factory farming and the horrible suffering of the animals, and the damage to the environment, instead of their present support of animal agriculture, we will never change our society. This is why our efforts are directed toward the majority group of people.
We have tried reasoning with the hierarchy of the churches, and the vast majority refuse to even listen or watch one of our videos, so we have resorted to using the visual "shock therapy" of exposing the truth to encourage the laity to begin to speak out in their own churches, and this is beginning to work.
There are many areas in which we can still work together, but we have seen too much horror to let up on our efforts to end the use and exploitation of animals.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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Comments by Pippa - 7 Sep 2008
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