Comments on the book: God Does Not Eat Meat By Arthur Poletti
Dear Mr. Poletti,
Today I saw, again, the horrific tortures inflicted on experimental monkeys. It wasn't the first time nor, I'm sorry to say, will it be the last: but it was the last straw!
Just as I was really about to give way to anger and hatred and thoughts of revenge (although I know it is not the way) the email with the link to your book in it turned up in my in box.
You reminded me of this Upanishad.
“He who sees that the lord of all is ever the same in all that is immortal in the field of mortality, he sees the truth. And when a man sees that the God in himself is the same God in all that is, he hurts not himself by hurting others. Then he goes, indeed, to the highest path."
And, you reminded me of what it is we have to do.
"Try to pass along these words that are thousands of years old, so all may understand as you have.”
I thought you might like to know this. Your gift of wisdom came at the right time for me and I have no doubt for many others who may be falling into error in the face of these atrocities.
"God moves in mysterious ways...".
Light and love to you and success in your endeavours to help animals (and humans)