Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and
others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous
I think suicide is rarely simple to understand - it usually reflects a range
of influences, including one's mental state (e.g., depression) and a range
of life stressors, which often include both domestic and workplace issues.
The workplace stressors can easily become quite overwhelming for several
reasons, including administrative demands, demands of difficult-to-please
members of the congregation, time demands, and the difficulty establishing
normal social relationships.
Regarding the last, it is difficult to be both a friend and a pastor to a
person, and pastors often lead relatively lonely lives, particularly if they
are single. I think the churches need to be mindful of the difficulties
inherent in pastoral ministry and offer support systems for those who are
struggling psychologically. As members of congregations, we might be able to
help ease their burden by inviting them to join us for meals or other social