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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Glenda - 13 Nov 2003
In Reference to: 4 June 2000 - If We Accept His Grace, The Lord Will Heal Us
Thank you so much for your readings. I have been told I have hepatitis C that was in 1996. And I believe God has healed me. My blood work is doing fine and I am doing fine and I am now 58 years old and Love my God, and I know he is healing me.
Sometimes Satan tries to tell me I am stupid, but I keep going. It seems the closer I get to God the more Satan picks on me to say there is no God. But I fight him each day because I know there is and he is with me. Thank you again
I am trying now to deal with the thoughts Satan puts in my head.
God Bless
GlendaGo on to Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman
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