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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Alexandra Green - 22 Feb 2004
In Reference to: 16 February 1997 - MISSING THE BOAT
Dear Frank;
Once again - thanks for a message that's spot on.
The situation that I find myself in, is much like described in this sermon. Quite a burden, a cross to bear. But this sermon has made it easier for me to bear my cross and not with an attitude (as I have been of extreme self pity) but with more of a song in my heart.
At work recently (I work at a local supermarket while studying to become a teacher) my supervisor told me off when I bought soya milk, fruit and washing up liquid, as we are only allowed to buy the essentials when shopping during quiet periods while on duty. She said that I should plan my shopping better, as fruit are not essentials!
Milk, bread and tea, etc are essentials. Up until recently I would have just looked at her in bewilderment and felt sorry for myself for being in my opinion wrongly accused. (As for me those three items were the essentials.) However, I have tried to become a bit more assertive and I asked the supervisor if I can have a word and I explained to her that for me those items were essentials - and she apologised! Her intention was not to give me a cross to bear, even though it was a very real cross for me. What I have learned is that I should perhaps not always keep quiet when wrongly accused. But when persistently wrongly accused, God will be with me.
It is about intentions and responding appropriately. The closer to God I am - the closer to perfection my responses and actions will be.
The only thing I can do is to give God every opportunity to draw me closer to Him.
So once again, thanks for a wonderfully challenging and appropriate message.
May God Bless You and Your Family and Your Work for the Lord,
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