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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Ozzy - 16 Sep 2004

In Reference to: 30 January 2000 - Relativity: Spiritual Vs. Physical

I am constantly printing various things off the Internet to hopefully improve and clarify my writing and communication skills. There are so many things I have collected from the Internet that I can find argument with, but only a few I can see I can share an affinity with.

It seems most people haven't grasped the concept that an eternal game is designed for continued play and are wallowing in their own finite games with an objective to win. With a mind set like that the best they will ever archive is to live in torment the rest of their lives until torment finds it's ultimate victory. My objective is not in finite games, but in the virtue of an infinite game.

I was able to identify with the sermon by Frank L. Hoffman RELATIVITY: SPIRITUAL VS. PHYSICAL given on January 30, 2000 although I can't leave it at that. Frank talked about the spiritual gifts and I agree with him, but I think there is one more spiritual gift, okay maybe two or three ... that we as human beings tend to overlook only because we are all caught up in what we see, the fashionable finite games in life. That gift is life itself. Like all the other "spiritual gifts" that are eternal and unchangeable life can't be seen.

Which brings me to the point of this letter (or should I call it e-mail). At the end of his sermon he used the words the power of our "spiritual" relativity as if it fit in with the context of the sermon. I found this confusing and something I couldn't ignore. Well, every ones focus is different; it's just that I think I would of prefer hearing the power in the relativity of our soul instead of spiritual relativity as relativity is an aspect of our physical being which is capable of changing.

Peace be with you and if you can find or perhaps e-mail me any other sermons I can identify with I would appreciate it,


PS. If I am wrong about the relativity of our soul please let me know. If I am not then this is just my way of building up a small trust in an infinite game. Trust, hmm, couldn't that be another spiritual gift?

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