Our Sermon Section
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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 15 Nov 2004

In Reference to: 4 May 1997 - WE CANNOT PUT LIMITS ON GOD'S GRACE

Dear Sandra:

Thank you for writing and sharing your heart.

Instead of concentrating on Scripture verses to be your only guide, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, too. James tells us that our faith is shown through our works, and Jesus and Paul tell us that the greatest thing we can do is love.

We need to look at our lives before others. Are we consistently loving and compassionate toward the whole of God's creation, and not just toward a small circle around us? Do other people see our faith through our love toward them and the world around us? If so, than our best witness is our lovingkindness, which speaks louder than our words. We need to learn to love others into the kingdom rather than beat them over the head with our Bibles.

Love you brother, and let your brother see your love in all that you do and are. This is your best witness. Let the Holy Spirit work on him.

We hope this helps. In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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