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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Alexandra - 3 Sep 2006

In Reference to: 29 August 1993 - HOW STRONG AND HOW PURE IS OUR LOVE?

Dear Frank!

This sermon is something I have been struggling with for ages and ages! Because I DO abhor the evil, but at the same time I do not wish to hate the evil doer. I completely ABHOR their evil acts, do NOT which to coexist with it or �approve� of it, but DO wish to live my live in peace �

These seem like SUCH contradictions, things I struggle to put into practice � when am I protecting myself and when am I being selfish �. It has not always been clear to me. But as they say, practise makes perfect, and I am hopefully getting better and better at it � I tend to err more on the �loving others� side of things, giving them what they want, even if it�s to my own detriment. I have now hopefully learned to listen to my inner voice and to be better at saying �NO�.

The defining mistake I made is trying to love other�s first before loving God. Loving God means doing His will first and foremost, if other�s ask me to do something that�s against the will of God, I should express my abhorrence for their request AND insist 100% completely on a �NO�. EVEN if it causes strife and war between us �

Abhor what is evil �. Cling to what is good �.

Love in Christ,


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