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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 4 Sep 2006
In Reference to: 29 August 1993 - HOW STRONG AND HOW PURE IS OUR LOVE?
Dear Alex:
You�re correct about having the Bible as the standard of what is good and evil, but unfortunately many people take the Bible out of context, and twist it to support their own way of life. This is why we need to simplify it into its basic components, which is what I believe Jesus was trying to get the people to understand when He gave His sermon on the mount. If everything is based upon the love of God and includes the whole of His whole creation, we can�t go too far wrong.
And you�re absolutely correct about people who have an unteachable spirit; it is best to avoid having any ethical conversations with them, and sometimes, any form of contact.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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