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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 23 May 2007
In Reference to: 17 Jun 2001 - How Should We Honor Our Father?
Dear Richard:
Thank you for writing back.
There were several sects of Judaism that were vegetarian, the best known of them were the Essenes, and they didn't celebrate the Passover with any animal products. The description of the Passover/Last Supper seems to follow that format.
The Hebrew sages also understood the difference between the creation intent of God, and the concessions He allowed to help lead sinful humans back to Him, and the Laws He ordered to limit their evil deeds to a minimum.
If obedience is better than sacrifice, and to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and might is the greatest commandment, then if we truly learn to live this way, we would also love the whole of God's creation (our fellow human beings, the other animals, and world in which we all live), and we would do nothing to harm any part of it, for to do so would show our lack of love for God, who lovingly created everything.
Fish are a living part of creation, and to eat them is to cause them to suffer. So why then did Jesus feed the people with the few small fish and loaves of bread? The simple answer is that they were given to Him, and the fish were already dead and preserved. He didn't cause any more fish to suffer, He just multiplied the flesh that was given to Him.
In the Bible section of our web site we also address other fish related passages.
And yes, we do encourage everyone to do their own studying and research.
We look forward to hearing from you again.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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