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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Tabitha - 22 Sep 2007
In Reference to: 5 November 1995 - THEY'LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS BY OUR LOVE
Preacher Hoffman,
I woke up this morning and couldn't shake that line (which is the title of your message and part of a song) out of my head. I googled it looking for the rest of the lyrics. Your sermon was the top hit on the search results and I wound up reading it instead of continuing looking for the lyrics.
I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it being posted and that it was a big help to me. It's funny, I just started going to a Bible study in a new city where I am a new student. God has a plan in everything because this ties in perfectly between my life and Bible study right now.
I noticed the date, 1995. I am guessing this sermon probably helped a lot of people then. If no one else though, this really helped me. I am trying to witness to some fellow students and was given an opportunity this past evening to try to explain what Christianity was in a simple form. I tried explaining that in a nutshell it was that it was believing that Christ the Son of God came to earth and died for sin and by accepting him that makes us Christians. I thought that was pretty good at the time. But I couldn't get it out of my head when I laid down. At 3 am I gave up and decided to look up that thought. I am supposed to get together with some of those people tonight.
I am a little nervous about trying to explain to them that God's love and accepting that love and showing it to others by loving fellow Christians and others but distinctly the love of Christians for one another is something that sets them apart. I'm scared to be watched like that for my love for others because sometimes I'm afraid to display that kind of love. At the same time, it repulses me to be ashamed of loving like I am commanded to do.
If you get this email, it would be great if you would pray for me as I try to follow what God seems to be leading me to do...that is to explain this Christianity in a simple way for them to see and to live it so that's its apparent in me. If you have any additional thoughts or comments, I'd be happy to hear them. Again, thanks for posting that!
God bless you!
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