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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Alexandra - 1 Oct 2007

In Reference to: 11 October 1992 - EXAMINE ME, O LORD, AND TRY ME

Dear Frank!

Thanks for this sermon!

Although it had me in floods of tears (as I am EXACTLY like David - when in the face of trials and tribulations � the testing of God � I, at times, found myself doing what I didn't want to do), it was exactly what I needed to hear!

Testing is indeed part of everyday life; but a shame that in some things we somehow are stronger than in others. But as you say - if we have at least learned from it � then we�ve achieved its purpose. As we then become stronger in what we�ve been weak in before. (As you say, we all DO know when we do something that is wrong!)

I say it, mean it and hopefully live it! �Examine me O Lord, and test me�.


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