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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Alexandra Raen - 12 Nov 2007
In Reference to: 11 November 2007 - Where Have All the Christians Gone?
Dear Frank!
That�s a lovely sermon � thank you!
From such a perspective it makes perfect sense why I had a struggle with some other people, and why I got confused by many who claims to be Christian. I have been saying for a very long time, �Wouldn�t it be great if being Christian actually meant something, actually stood for something?� So often being Christian is simply a label. When looking at the lack of fruits in their lives, and that the people themselves are no different from the atheist, etc.!
We can simply hold these fruits of the Spirit close to heart and ask the Lord to bring them forth at the right time, and place it in our own lives and in the lives of others. Being willing to share this perspective in spite of experiencing resistance and hostility is important for all of us to do.
Love in Christ,
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