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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Cathy - 23 Dec 2007
In Reference to: 23 December 2007 - Celebrating the Birth of the Prince of Peace while Worshiping the Prince of Death
Very nice sermon. Is it just me or do many of us have a hard time with the holiday season?
This is the time of year when all the leather and fur and fur trim come out of the closets. It pains me to look at it. All around us people are not just eating animals, but actually bragging about their overindulgence; there is no shame whatsoever in the gluttony that surrounds the holidays. In fact, it is celebrated. And people are nasty to one another, in their quest for the material - you can't even get me to so much as set foot in a shopping mall.
Upon reflection, though, God sees all that happens, and yet came to earth in the form of a helpless innocent child. in a barn full of animals, surrounded by those who care for the least of creation (i.e. the shepherds). I like to think of myself as one of them, in a way, and consider the blessing it was for them to be the first ones see and adore the newborn Savior.
St. Francis de Sales said it all when he said that the world is a cruel master which can never be pleased. "The world holds us to be fools, let us hold it to be mad." When you know that God approves of our attitude toward animals, it doesn't matter what the world thinks. and you can speak the truth and educate others without hesitation or reservation. that too, is a blessing.
Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and joyful New Year,
Go on to Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 23 Dec 2007
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