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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Phil Whitehead - 24 Dec 2007

In Reference to: 23 December 2007 - Celebrating the Birth of the Prince of Peace while Worshiping the Prince of Death

Dear Mr. Hoffman:

Thank you for your sermon for Christmas. The issues that you identified are apparent to me in the fundamental Baptist church that I attend. In many ways, the church believes and preaches God�s truth, yet I detect an undercurrent of error in its approach to Christian faith and practice. The tolerance of cruelty to animals may explain the apparent dichotomy.

I am not vegetarian, however I may well be on that path. In the meantime, I have reduced my consumption of �facefood� during the past year, to the improvement of my health.

Thank you for the effort and time you spend moderating this forum. I have found the posted comments to be helpful.

Best regards

Phil Whitehead

Go on to Comments by Nia Garcia - 29 Dec 2007

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