Our Sermon Section
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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Cee - 30 Dec 2007

In Reference to: 24 December 1992 - AS IT WAS FORETOLD, AS IT WAS, AS IT SHOULD BE, AND AS IT WILL BE

Pastor Hoffman,

Thank you for your wonderful sermon! I find your way of explaining and applying scripture to be very helpful and comforting...amidst the despair that I feel, on a daily basis, for the animals who suffer at the hands of evil-doers.

Your sermon has provided me with a deeper understanding of the way of peace and love of Christ Jesus. As a mature Christian and longtime Bible student, what I have been sorely missing and hungering for is the finding of other Christians who share my same compassion and felt pain for animals.

So, the fact that I have found that blessed support via your website and writings; is a huge source of comfort to me. God bless you for that, and for your ability to explain and apply His Word in a manner which I can really relate and find some comfort through.

This is the first that I have read on your website...and I will be doing so regularly; from now on! I am passing it on to other Christians, yet once again, none of which have any real compassion and/or recognition of the pain and suffering of animals. I pray to Christ that their hearts will soften to the reality.

For the animals in the love of Jesus,

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