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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 6 Apr 2008

In Reference to: 6 April 2008 - Love According to the Father of Lies

Dear Marcela:

It is so nice to hear from you. You have been on our hearts for some time, and we've been praying about you and your situation.

We have found that the most compassionate people that help other humans are also the ones that are compassionate toward animals. The love and compassion of God has no limits, and when humans place limits, they are showing that they really are not following God, but a human or demonic agenda.

If you know in advance that this woman will reject our message, then don't jeopardize you position. Just dust off your feet and move on.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to:  Comments by Jan Fredericks - 6 Apr 2008

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