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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 22 Jun 2008

In Reference to: 23 June 1991 - ARE WE LIVING AS AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST?

Dear Pamm:

Thank you for your comments.

You are doing what God wants.

We just need to remember that perfect love fulfills the whole Law and the Prophets and everything else in the Bible, and that by loving in this unconditional way we are also and Ambassador of Christ. 

In this love, we also recognize that everything really belongs to God, and we no longer have the pride of ownership, but seek to do everything in our power to protect all that God has made (our fellow human beings, all the other animals, and the would in which we all live).

If a person is truly born again, then they should do this naturally

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to:  Comments by Pamm - 23 Jun 2008

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