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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Suzanne Marienau - 23 Jun 2008

In Reference to: 23 June 1991 - ARE WE LIVING AS AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST?

Dear Pastor Hoffman,

I enjoyed this sermon, very much.

It was especially dear to me because I have been corresponding with someone who obviously has faith in God, but is very scornful of "Christians," and churches. He sees them as being full of hypocrites, but said that he should join one so that he can educate the people as to what they're doing that upsets him. I don't believe this is a good basis for joining a church.

I sent him a reply this morning, and then read your sermon. I didn't consider myself an ambassador of Christ as I wrote to him, but after reading your sermon, I suppose that is what I was. This was an eye-opener for me and I hope and pray that God's Holy Spirit will continue to use me, if that is His will, to help and encourage this man to see God's people not as enemies, but as people who aren't at all perfect, just as he himself isn't. Maybe then, he will be able to find a church to join and be able to share in fellowship with fellow believers while hearing the Word of God, in it's truth.

Thank you for your wonderful sermons and your compassion for all animals.


Suzanne Marienau

Go on to:  Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 23 Jun 2008

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