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Our Sermon Section
Comments by John W. Hyland - 19 Jul 2008

In Reference to: 1 Feb 1998 - In the Image and Likeness of God

I have read your comments with great interest.

My discernment took me in another direction....If God could now not be present where sin existed he could no longer allow Seth to be created in His image. Therefore Seth born in the Imagine of Sinful Man, Adam, paved the way for the arrival of Jesus Christ in the Human Form through the birth in the Virgin. He now could take on the sins of the World; redeeming us through the Cross to salvation and returning to the Father's Right Hand.

This is a brief summation of my personal discovery and would appreciate your study and comments....Wonderful to seek counsel of another Brother...Thank You for the opportunity to respond

John W Hyland Ph.D

Go on to:  Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 19 Jul 2008

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