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In Reference to: 1 September 1991 - THE LORD WILL VINDICATE HIS PEOPLE
Dear Mary & Frank:
Thank you for today's wonderful sermon. THE LORD WILL VINDICATE HIS PEOPLE
The more humans promote cruelty and death to all creatures with soul, which is the number one cause of destroying the earth, than the more likely it will be that humans will pay the ultimate price for their sins.
If billions of humans throughout the world continue to reveal how brain dead, stupid, and cruel they are by participating in, and promoting the torture and murder of millions of Gods precious creatures each day, and billions each year, than most of humanity deserves to pay the terrible price for their disgusting and unforgivable sins.
The livestock industry is the number one cause of global warming and is mostly responsible for the continuous disasters caused by devastating hurricanes, wild fires, draught, and famine, not to mention the many health hazards that are documented and well known related to the consumption of animal flesh.
Mary, and Frank as you know September 1st 2008 is the day that factory farms and slaughterhouses were supposed to finally close, according to my prediction in my back to the future book, God Does Not Eat Meat.
It may take a few more years, but I still feel certain that a large number of factory farms and slaughterhouses will close.
God created the heavens and the earth and all the humans and creatures that dwell here.
If humans cannot manage the earth the way God intended the earth to be managed than God may decide to scrap the current plan and start all over again.
Sooner then most experts have predicted a large number of cities near the coastlines of the United States may be under 25 feet of water.
I do not think anyone predicted that another terrible destructive hurricane would hit New Orleans and the entire gulf coast this soon.
Frank and Mary you must often wonder how many more catastrophes obviously related to the livestock industry will continue to happen before governments throughout the world wake up? Before it really is too late.
For the sake of all humans, all animals, the earth and the earth's atmosphere.
Arthur Poletti
Author of the short story titled:
God Does Not Eat Meat
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