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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Barbara - 31 Dec 2008

In Reference to: 12 January 1997 - IT'S REALLY ALL A MATTER OF FAITH

Hi Frank and Mary,

Thank you for your encouragement. God is my best friend and it is my faith that has made my life wonderful and meaningful, as obviously yours has too.

I am 67 years old and always wanted to go into the ministry, but fell in love with a man who gave me an ultimatum "the church or me". Although my faith never left me, I put my own dreams aside.

I have three wonderful children and eight grandchildren and my marriage lasted 33 years. Although I left my run too late for ordained ministry, I am being fulfilled by God's direction in lay preaching. My children were brought up to always help others, that faith and love are more important than material things. Life is good.

Thank you for a wonderful site, isn't modern technology just wonderful.

God Bless,


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