Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Leah - 15 Apr 2009

In Reference to: 15 April 1990 - ONLY BELIEVE


My name is Leah and I'm 22yrs old. About a year or two ago I made the decision to become vegetarian. Slowly I was trying to become a vegan. But sadly I gave up everything and started going back to eating meat, and everything else that is so unhealthy for you.

Now I'm gaining weight and my glow that I had when I was vegetarian is long gone. I don't have that passion for animals like I use to either! I mean I love animals, but I'm guessing I just denied my heart and tried to justify myself so much that I just lost that passion. It doesn't help that everyone I know doesn't really care and eat meat three times a day.

I want to get back into my healthy habit and help my environment by cutting off meat for good this time....Help! How can I get back on track?

Go on to:  Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 16 Apr 2009

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