Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Susan - 28 Oct 2009

In Reference to: 28 October 1990 - LOVINGKINDNESS: A HEART THAT IS ONE WITH GOD

Dear Reverend Frank and Mary,

I must confess—I just now opened this sermon and read it. I should have read it before I read many of the other e-mails cluttering up my inbox.

Why is it that we don’t first focus on the things of God? The verse, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you” is one of my favorites but I sure don’t apply it to my own life as I should.

Your sermon was like a healing balm to my troubled heart. I’m so glad God sent His only son, I fail so often I sometimes wonder why I get another chance. But, I know deep down that I do!

Bless you and bless your ministry.

With great love and appreciation,

In Jesus name,
