Our Sermon Section
By Maynard S. Clark - 12 Feb 2012
In Reference to: 12 February 1989 - LEARNING TO SEE THE TRUE INTENT OF MAN'S HEART (PART IV)
"...only evil continually..."
The difference between continuous and continual is that continual is
punctuated (try rolling your Ls - intermittent Ls) - then make a hissing
sound with the Sssss (continouSSSSSSSSs)
So is the perennial return to human wrongdoing, and we struggle about
national and other levels of governance: does it REALLY restrain evil (even
if there is "spiritual wickedness in high places") OR does it perpetuate the
problems by taking advantage of privilege and position, so that the
wrongdoers in high places (elected and./or appointed offices) become bad
examples of how we good folks ought not to behave, while the species is
increasingly postured towards emulating what is wrong in human life. Just
consider how many folks copy bad and self-destructive behaviors (cf.
smoking, alcohol abuse, even the perverted ways we abuse foods) - and, of
course, the "meat production system" that preys upon vulnerable animals to
'make it all happen'...