Our Sermon Section
By Dana - 29 Jul 2012
In Reference to: 22 July 2012 - From Mourning to Positive Action
Hi all, coming in on the tail-end of this thread, also!
Wanted to share a great quote from Mother Teresa:
Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start
with the person nearest you.
If we look at what we can do, up against the sheer numbers of beings, both
human and animal who are suffering and being treated with injustice and
cruelty, we can become not only filled with hopelessness, but also become
incapacitated with the sheer magnitude of it all.
But I think that what Jesus said in Matthew 6 applies here: we are not
to worry about tomorrow, today has enough worries of its own, we are to seek
His kingdom and righteousness and not fret.
So trust in Him, knowing that we are not the message, only the messengers,
that if we walk in obedience and humility and speak the truth in love, then
God will be the one to multiply and magnify our words and deeds and touch
others' hearts. God can and does give us the strength and courage to know
when to speak up. Doing so in a right spirit is of great value to God, with
one or many!
My college daughter just did a ten minute speech for her philosophy
class-she was required to pick an environmental issue and felt compelled to
speak on factory farming and how it harms our world. How she struggled-
called me crying as she prepared her information, grieving as she saw the
suffering...she felt in her conviction that she wanted to speak truth
wisely, not with condemnation in her manner. She did beautifully- educated
without forcing, reasoned with logic and facts...and got an A in the
Who knows how God will take her effort and grow a conviction in someone's
heart?! I hope many, but even one will do!
:) - Dana