Our Sermon Section
By Elaine - 11 Nov 2012
In Reference to: 11 November 2012 - Working for Unconditional Compassion
I believe you are correct about doing what we can to strike at the roots
of evil. For instance, as a sanctuary, we knew we could not rescue
every animal that needed help. Until we win the lottery, that is not
So, we encourage people to do the one thing that most affects suffering, we
encourage a plant based diet and we now teach PCRM's Food for Life classes,
which are really a hit in our church, thank God.
Today, we had 12 college kids out to volunteer. Not only did they
get to spend time with the animal ambassadors, but when they finished eating
their vegan lunch, they ALL chose to watch Farm to Fridge! We are
changing hearts and minds, one person at a time, and in that way, using our
resources to best combat violence, disease and cruelty.
God Bless,