Our Sermon Section
By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 3 Jan 2013
In Reference to: 30 December 2012 - What Are Our New Year’s Resolutions?
Dear Craig:
Absolutely, DO NOT GIVE UP!
Over those same 30 years of working to eliminate the church’s hardness of heart, we have seen a continual improvement, mostly from the grass roots, but also very slowly we are also seeing changes from the clergy. Now is not the time to stop, but it’s a time to reenergize ourselves.
Part of the “in your face” approach that you talked about, is showing people the graphic truth about the horrors. As long as it done is a polite and peaceful manner, and we present ourselves as credible friendly witnesses, many people seem to listen.
In fact, we were going to write to you later today to ask if you had some ideas that we could collectively try, and share with others.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary