Our Sermon Section
By Sarah - 13 Jan 2013
In Reference to: 6 January 2013 - Where Was Jesus Born?
Dear Frank
It's been several days that !'ve been rushing around, trying to find time to
think more about what you said. Then today your sermon shows me how much
I've been a Martha!
The strange thing is that Rick Warren's daily email today was also about
seed, but based on John 12:24. He made the interesting point that "The
problem is we tend to get impatient, so we dig up the seed to check the
progress of its growth, and that slows down our growth! If you’re not seeing
as much fruit as you’d like, don’t despair. Growth takes time." I think
that's what I've been doing - digging up the seed to keep having a look. I'm
beginning to see how I've made things much too complicated and expecting
quick results that haven't come so I have felt inferior to all those
super-spiritual people when God's plans for me may just be different. Now
I'm already beginning to feel more trusting in the Lord. Yesterday I went
through a particularly difficult time, but I really felt that He helped me
through it. I've also been talking with my husband about how we need to make
a bit more time with God's word together, because that will help to keep
both of us going as well.
I can't honestly say that I'm free from doubt or that I will never doubt
again, but you have given me some great pointers as to how to deal with it.
I think I now need to live it a bit and find out how to work it into my
Thank you.
May God bless you both.