They Were Already Dead


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They Were Already Dead
Comments by Juli - 18 Feb 2009

Thank you for your thoughtful and well-stated input, Frank and Mary.

I seem to recall the Bible says we should "judge righteous judgment," though problems arise when everybody has their own ideas about both what's "righteous" and what's "judgment". Then there is also differing opinion about what qualifies as judgment or discernment, as well as the meanings of each word.

Everyone seems to feel it's fair to condemn behaviors and actions, and it can be very difficult to dissociate the people who engage in them from their behaviors and actions. But condemning the actions and behaviors of people, no matter how heinous, doesn't necessarily imply that we are determining the fate of that person's soul, or even imagining that we can, or even wishing that we could. I think sometimes people assume the latter to be true when it's not the case at all, and this is what brings about objections to people being "judgmental"


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