Unitarian Universalists For The Ethical Treatment of Animals
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Unitarian Universalists For The Ethical Treatment of Animals
We acknowledge and affirm the kinship and interdependence of human and animal, and adopt ethics of interspecies compassion as an integral component of liberal religion."
OUR PURPOSE/OUR GOALS: To move from the mere celebration of the "interdependent web of existence" into practices that affirm species interdependence in our everyday personal, social, economic and political lives.
We pledge ourselves:
� To inform UUs and other people of conscience about the widespread abuse of animals
� To encourage UU ministers, lay leaders, and congregants to open a dialogue about this challenging moral issue
� To work toward the adoption of a General Resolution on the Ethical Treatment of Animals at the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and to encourage the study and implementation of that Resolution in UU congregations around the world
� To incorporate humane education materials and attitudes into our religious education programs at all age levels
� To encourage UU ministers to deliver sermons on animal rights issues and to develop services on animals during the yearly calendar
� To develop and support social action programs to implement our goals of justice and compassion for all creatures
� To work, along with other people of humane and compassionate beliefs, toward the exclusion of cruel, wasteful and repetitive testing of commercial products; duplicative, unnecessary, wasteful and even frivolous biomedical research using animals; the widespread abuse of "food" animals on factory farms and in transit to slaughter, the destruction of fur-bearing animals for profit; "sport hunting"; and events which mistreat animals for entertainment
� To encourage UUs and others to explore and adopt a more humane lifestyle, focusing on ethical consumerism, vegetarianism, the use of cruelty-free products and the development of alternatives to the use of animals in research and products testing
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