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"Joyful Curmudgeon" An oxymoron?
No! I see all the beauty of God's creation and I'm joyful.  At the same time, I see all the suffering and corruption going on in the world, and feel called to help expose and end it so that we may have true peace and compassion.


Letter about New Iberia Research Center – 27 March 2009
By Mary T. Hoffman

The New Iberia Research Center of the University of Louisiana, Lafayette (ULL/NIRC), is an extremely secretive place. The little information available about the condition of the victims – chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys – is horribly shocking, to say the least.

Yet this facility receives millions of dollars in federal money! And this is only one of the many research centers that receive “easy money”! Think about that: we taxpayers are subsidizing totally unnecessary suffering.

If you want to help end this obscene cruelty of innocent victims, visit:

Also please visit: 

To read Letters and Responses, visit: 

We wrote the following letter to Dr. Robert Gibbens (contact information is below) about the conditions at the New Iberia Research Center:

27 March 2009

DDr. Robert Gibbens Director,
Western Region USDA/APHIS/AC
2150 Centre Ave.
Building B,
Mailstop 3W11
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8117
[email protected] 

Dear Dr. Gibbens:

We have become aware of the shameful waste of taxpayers’ money and the unspeakable, unnecessary suffering of primates at the New Iberia Research Center of the University of Louisiana, Lafayette (ULL/NIRC).

Please use your office to take serious action against ULL/NIRC and put an end to this corruption masquerading as “scientific research.”

We look forward to your reply. You can contact us at the address in this letter.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Frank L. Hoffman

Mary T. Hoffman

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