Art and Photo Journals
and Galleries Directory
Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation
Humans - Animals - Environment
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)
- God's Little Folk -
On the sixth day of creation, God made them, and us!
- Walking Stick (Phasmida) -
(click on the photos to enlarge)
The walking stick is an
insect that resembles a stick or a twig with very long legs. Its shape serves as a
form of protection from predators. In recent times walking sticks have been
classified in their own special order called Phasmida. There are only about a dozen
different species of walking sticks. We were not able to be 100% sure of the
identification of this particular walking stick, but we believe it is an eastern walking
stick, which is characterized by its very slender body. In this photo, its shadow is
more noticeable than the walking stick.
The eastern walking stick
is about two to three inches long. This one was only one inch long. We spotted
this walking stick on the frame of our garage door. It was difficult taking these
pictures, because the walking stick kept walking, causing its legs to blur. An
example of this blurring is evident in a portion of the right rear leg (left center of
photo). This walking stick walked only on four of its six legs, while holding the
two forelegs straight out in front (right side of photo).
As this walking stick
continued walking, it climbed onto the stone exterior of our home, where we were able to
take this photo with greater contrast. The four walking legs are each about twice
the length of the body, while the forelegs (held out in front) are much shorter.
This particular walking stick appears to have lost about two-thirds of its right
antenna. Walking sticks eat green tree leaves.
In this enlargement of
the first walking stick photo, we can get a better look at its body and head structure
with its two forelegs held out in front. The two compound eyes can be seen on the
sides of the head, just behind the antenna. The literature says that walking sticks
have no wings, but this one has what may be wing sockets on the back over the middle set
of legs, and what appear to be small wings folded back along its body.
| God's Little Folk | Art and Photos |
If you would like to contribute a photo and/or comment to
these series, please contact;
Frank L. Hoffman [email protected]
Photos by Frank L. Hoffman unless otherwise noted
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The themes of these All Creatures Art and Photo Journals and Galleries Directory cover such subjects as - creation, earth, environment, ecology, plants, flowers, birds, trees, creature, animal, animals, fine arts, watercolor, painting, paintings, pic, pics, pictures, photos, vegetation, restoration, preservation, vegetarian, vegan, cruelty free, love, joy, peace, kindness, compassion, humor, poetry, quotations, lifestyle, Bible, recipes, sermons, stories, human, animal rights, God, Jesus, Christ, Lord, Holy Spirit, Jewish, Christian, Judeo Christian, health, ethical living, meditation, walking stick, walkiingstick, phasmida, Phasmida (pica-4)