Andrew PellA Day of Miracles, a Day of Enchantment
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

A Day of Miracles, a Day of Enchantment
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

If we truly believe, great things will come to pass.
The exciting news is that the good times will last.
We need to understand the spiritual laws of life.
By understanding the Presence we can mitigate all strife.
Miracles can be created every single day.
The door is open before us, yet we still delay.
Visualize, meditate and accept what is destined for you.
These words are priceless and true.
We don't need a genie to grant us 3 wishes at a time.
All we need to do is with the God force align.
Practice love, what you give out will come back a thousand fold.
Be a true metaphysician, it is more precious than gold.
Practice the Presence, materialize all that is founded on love.
It comes from within, not high above.

(c) Andrew Pell 26/09/08

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