Anthony James Anything Else
Poetry By Anthony James
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Anything Else
Poetry By Anthony James

Oh don't look at me that way
The same old way,
Oh stop and cut it out
Just because I was Saved
To the tune of your doubt

And you say about me
'God how could you save him'?
And you make me feel that I never deserved anything
And you made me think so low of myself
Driven to pills to ease my pain
Your love was never,

there for me?

I bled away,
every day,
how could you have put me in such a place?

To die, alone and unloved?
Knocked, wound down
Six thousand feet below ground

And look who it is
And what can we do with this soul?
Broken and dead
Put it on fire
Who cares?

And the devil's cousins
Gathered 'round
Threw me in a circus cage
To watch me drown

In flames-

A spectacle of shame
An unloved man

Of the world.
Big deal.

And I can't wait to see what happened next-
Having woken in bed
Having left

The Dead.
Cleansed of Satan,

My Father.
He came to collect me.
And He doesn't need me to know.

Anything else.

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