Take up your cross, so Jesus said,
And follow the one true Christ.
He did not say to take your crown,
For first there is a price.
We cannot reap where we’ve not sown,
For there’s work to be done;
We are called to do God’s will,
To let his kingdom come.
We can’t demand reward from God,
For he already gave,
A priceless gift of salvation
Through the one who came to save.
And if we live just for the crown,
And not for love of God,
Does that not make us selfish?
Does that not deem us a fraud?
So stay headstrong and carry on,
Through the trials of life;
For Jesus bore the weight of sins,
And through him we bear strife.
The sufferings of this world are great,
But you are not alone.
Take up your cross, don’t be afraid;
For this is not your home.
One day you will earn your crown,
So keep that day in sight.
But first have faith in the old rugged cross,
Lest you lose that right.
© Shenita Etwaroo
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