shenita-etwarooAnimal Rights and Other Poetry By Shenita Etwaroo From

My Heart Belongs To You

It’s a steady sound,
despite my grief,
it continues to pound,
fluttering and brief,
but oh so very strong,
because it is filled with you,
and the type of love that wrote every song,
and made every dream come true.
It beats within me,
even as a tear is shed,
it reminds me of what used to be,
and the words that we once said.
I love you forever,
and ever,
and ever…
The moon rises,
with its milky light,
and its soulful surprises,
in which most delight.
I stare into the sky,
waiting for a sign,
an explanation for why
you can no longer be mine.
I feel it then as the stars shine,
a whisper of the wind,
a reminder that you are always mine,
in the caress of the breeze against my skin.
You are there still and always,
you are there speaking through my heart,
of all of the wonderful ways
that we are not actually apart.
Love does not come and go,
love is what creates us from the start,
love is what we’re made of, this I know,
and love is what counts the beats of my heart.
Though the night is long,
and the distance may seem great,
I know that our love is truly strong,
so strong that nothing can separate.
My heart belongs to you,
it beats with the rhythm of your voice,
everything I do is all for you,
now I hear again, and can rejoice.

© Shenita Etwaroo

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