Tami HayPoetry and Prose By Tami Hay, M.A., RMT from All-Creatures.org

Starlight Wishes

I wish to feel your hearts near mine
All sentient beings across the veil,
As if earth’s pulsation was,
just for us, stopped in time

As if you had not left
in saddened death

But since you’re gone,
I wish to feel the bereavement beneath my breast,
I wish to open, not numb the pain, to rest,
To breathe with you, the eternal you,
Without guilt, or fear, or shame

I wish to dance with you someday
In rainbow reflections of light and rain
When i will not have to tell myself to busy away pain
When I can hear the songbirds sing again
Their notes unaccompanied by a darker strain

When loving so much doesn’t hurt,
Because the ones we love no longer suffer,
All cows reunited with their calves,
Slaughterhouses abolished,
Freedom alive and flowing,
Pulsing beneath our breasts

To love so much
That the huddled stars
Heap in constellations
To watch joyfully the postponed dawn
And to beam again upon the once forgotten

starlight wishes

© Tami Hay 2023


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