We are not getting old,
We are getting bold
As well as wise
To the lies
They can no longer hide
From our crow-winged eyes
Or block out with those sonar rings
They’ve used to deafen our sea kin.
Our eyes, and ears are wide open now,
Our hearts too, feeling not failing
We can see, hear and feel clearly.
And where the truth once enters,
no denials or spurious debate
Can ever again penetrate.
We refuse to embroider upon your cushions;
We’re not interested in comfort but hard facts.
We WILL be bold,
Not do as we’re told
Or waste our time trying not to look old!
Don’t even try to tuck us away
With your tuts of dismay,
For as long as you fail to step up,
We won’t lie down
Or ever feel the need to rest,
No, we will stand AND BE HEARD,
If need be, right up to our final breath!
We grandmothers of all nations,
We midwives of reconciliation
And of the rebirth
Of a new Earth,
Will speak of sacred sovereignty,
Of earthlings left to be,
Of a free and abundant sea
And love between you and me!
So, come closer to the fire that burns in us;
It is you, not we, who need relief from the cold,
From the icy, ill logic of the lies you’ve been told.
For there IS no need to kill; “Thou shalt not” was ever God’s will.
No need to buy and sell creation,
No need for human domination.
Let this credo melt away,
And share our vision of something kinder,
You can hear it in your own heart if you listen,
Like a gentle reminder.
For we humans have only temporarily lost the way,
And when we no longer wish to stray,
All we need do is consult our pathfinders.
Love is bold
Love never grows old!
© Tami Hay 2024
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