Andrew PellAustralia, Our Australia 2012
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Australia, Our Australia 2012
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

"Australians all let us rejoice”
And in our hearts Christ's name confess.
We are blessed with living standards that are good.
If only we could love God as we should.
We are blest with mountain ranges and wide-open plains.
A land of sunshine and refreshing rains.
There is abundant opportunity for those who seek.
We are a society that uplifts and holds high the weak.
Thank you Lord for this wonderful land Australia.
You have walked with us as we have journeyed from afar.

(c) Andrew Pell 17/01/12

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