Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
You cannot put a price on friends, they are priceless.
When friends love you and reach out to you, hold onto them.
Tell them you love them every single day,
Sometimes all you simply need to say is thank you.
This word is powerful and true.
When they need you always be there.
Show and practice that you really do care,
Verbalize this thought.
True friends can never be bought or sold.
A friend for life is a friend indeed.
Sow the seed of love and watch it grow and bloom.
In your heart always make room.
Tell them today how much you care.
Friends are more valuable than Silver or Gold.
Watch the beauty and treasure of life unfold before you.
These words are not new but will always be true.
These words are priceless so give your very best.
Do not settle for anything less.
© Andrew Pell 04/12/2020
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